Monday, 27 December 2010
Occult Explained
Sunday, 26 December 2010
Xmas Wish List - A Very BIGLY Christmas
“Emmy!” Lauren shouted loudly, bursting in through the door of the motel room with a large shopping bag in each hand. Her friend looked up from the large spider plant she’d been decorating with colourful baubles and ribbons.
“You’re back!” Emmy said joyfully, a smile creeping onto her features. “I sent the boys off on a really long errand, so we should have enough time to actually organise Christmas without them wandering in.”
“What did you send them to do?” Lauren asked curiously, throwing her bags on the nearest bed with a huff.
“Told them I was going to send my family some gifts and I needed a certain kind of ribbon to send it off in,” she said with a shrug. Lauren rolled her eyes with a smile.
“You’ve got them whipped. If I asked for something like that they’d have told me where to go.” Lauren started unpacking her bags, pulling out pre-cooked turkey and ham slices, egg nog and microwavable vegetables. She pursed her lips in thought, “We have a microwave, right?” she asked, dropping her purchases on the bed and wandering over to the kitchen area of their unusually spacious motel room.
“Yeah,” Emmy replied absentmindedly, still decorating her spider plant, “Sam and Dean really splashed out on this one.”
“Well, hey it is Christmas,” Lauren said, gathering her pre-cooked Christmas dinner together and piling it in the kitchen. “I figure I’ll need to start soon if I want it to be ready by the time they get back,” she said.
“Sure will,” Emmy agreed, putting the finishing touches on her plant. “Okay...” She picked a checklist that had been neatly penned by Lauren a few days ago and crossed ‘Christmas tree’ off it. “Just dinner and present wrapping to finish up then we’re done.”
Emmy pulled her duffel bag out from underneath her bed and pulled it open, revealing a large number of plastic and paper bags hiding inside in the place of her clothes. She removed them one by one and laid them on the single table the motel room had to offer. “Hope they like the presents, it’s not like we had a huge amount to spend on them.”
“Or anywhere decent to buy them out of. I mean, garages and local knick-knack shops...” Lauren chimed in.
“Exactly,” Emmy agreed, “Well, here’s hoping.”
Sam and Dean Winchester approached the motel door to the sound of singing and the smell of burnt meat that had been masked by a large quantity of cinnamon scented room spray. They exchanged a look. Christmas hadn’t been expressly banned but it wasn’t like they were expecting to celebrate it. There had been too many bad Christmases in the past and there was no way they wanted to add to the list. Dean pulled his key out of his pocket and stuck it in the lock. He gave his brother one last look of trepidation before he opened the door. But he hadn’t expected what he saw inside.
Every available space on the walls was taken up by ragged looking tinsel and lights. The windows were covered in fake snow, the kind that came from a can, and there was a large spider plant in the middle of the room that had been assaulted with ribbons and baubles. Dean had expected Lauren and Emmy to stop singing when they entered, instead they sang louder, belting out a slightly out of tune version of Rudolph the red Nosed Reindeer. They’d found themselves red Santa hats and stood around the tree with mad grins on their faces as if they’d just created the greatest thing since sliced bread. Behind them Dean spotted the source of the smell, a microwaved Christmas dinner looking a little forlorn on the motel room’s table.
The brothers just gawped.
Emmy took it as a good sign. “You like it right? Merry Christmas!” She shouted with a grin on her face. Dean’s mouth opened and closed for a few seconds. Then Sam laughed. It wasn’t his usual laugh, he was completely thrown off by the absurdity of it all, but it was infectious, soon the four of them were laughing so hard they were gasping.
“You did all this?” Sam asked once he’d recovered.
“Yup,” Lauren replied, proud of the work she and Emmy had put into getting all this together and not giving the game away.
“Wow,” he breathed.
“You’ve haven’t seen anything yet. We should have dinner soon.” Emmy said to Lauren, who gave a nod of affirmative. “Then you can open presents.”
They sat down to the oddest Christmas dinner any of them had ever eaten. Lauren had managed to almost set the microwave on fire when she stuck the vegetables into it in their tin wrappings and she’d burnt some of the pre-cooked meat to a crisp when she’d tried to heat it up on the stove. It tasted as funny as it looked but everyone ate all of it anyway, just because it was Christmas dinner. Dean and Lauren even managed to pull a cracker together without there being an argument.
“That was... interesting,” Emmy said patting her stomach.
“At least it was edible, which is more than I can say for dessert,” Lauren said, glancing balefully at the closed fridge. Sam decided it was better not to ask.
“Presents anyone?”
Guessing what the boys wanted hadn’t been easy, but they managed somehow. Lauren had bought Sam a pair of socks and a flashlight that attached to a headband, which he politely thanked her for but secretly could never see himself using. Emmy had bought him a copy of All Kinds of Feelings which turned out to be a lift the flap book written to help children understand their feelings. Lauren had been more than uncomfortable with buying Dean something but her salvation came in the form of him having broken his lighter a fortnight ago and not having bothered to replace it. She gave him a new shiny silver lighter. He’d even thanked her... must have been the egg nog talking. Emmy had bought him some new cassette apes from a run down old store she’d stumbled across the other day and he loved them, even if their taste in music was a little different.
“Sorry we didn’t get you anything, after all this trouble,” Sam said, rubbing the back of his head with his hand and smiling apologetically. Emmy waved him into silence.
“It’s not like you knew we had this planned, we’re terribly sneaky.” She winked at Lauren.
“Well,” Dean said, stretching in his seat, “Here’s to us. How about we stick around and do this again.” He raised his glass of egg nog.
“Here here.”
Merry Christmas xx
Saturday, 25 December 2010
So, it's Christmas gift time. None of this is remotely christmassy but who cares, right? I have a Lauren/Sam drabble coming up but I need to make a few finishing touches, so alas! Here are the graphics I made:
I know, I know, it ain't BIGLY but Junie shares my love for Draco/Hermione and I HAD TO AFTER THAT FIC. (Bare with me and I might make a Logan/Marie at some point).
And finally:
I hope you all have a lovely Christmas.
Love, Robyn xo
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
It's gif (see what I did there?) time! Part I
It's not much but hopefully they should entertain you for a while. I hope you're having a lovely christmas thus far.
xo - Robyn
Wednesday, 15 December 2010
Things I do on my day off
Monday, 13 December 2010
Did I just create an AU for my own fic?
Name: John-Paul ‘JP’ Oscar Winchester
Age: 10 ½
Parents: Lauren Murray, Sam Winchester
Bio: A smart little kid who has had his fair share of life experiences. JP was named after his grandfathers but never gets called by his full name, not even when his parents are using their angry tone. His main interests are reading and board games, but he also has a wilder side and loves motorbikes, fast cars and things that roar. Due to a strange upbringing and his uncle’s influence.
1) What gender are you?
I’m a boy
2) What is your age?
Ten and a half
3) Do you want a hug?
Mom says not to hug strangers
4) Do you have any bad habits?
Sometimes I don’t pay attention in class
5) What is your favourite food?
I like pizza
6) What is your favourite ice-cream flavour?
Chocolate definitely
7) Are you a virgin?
What’s that?
8) Have you killed anyone?
9) Do you hate anyone?
Hating someone isn’t very nice
10) Do you have any secrets?
A couple. Ones mom and dad don’t wanna find out I guess. Normal kid stuff
11) What is your favourite season?
Summer, we get to go to the beach in summer
12) Who is your best friend(s)?
I can’t really pick one
13) What are your hobbies?
I like to read and spend time with my family. Oh! And puzzle games
14) What is your favourite drink?
Root beer
15) When is your birthday?
September 2nd
16) What age did you die?
I’m not dead...
17) Are you nice or mean?
I try to be nice
18) Are you social or shy?
Social, being on your own is no fun
19) What do you think of your parents?
I love my mom and dad this much *stretches his arms out*
20) What’s your weakness?
I’m not as tall as ANYONE yet
21) How long can you stay under water?
One time we went swimming and Uncle Dean didn’t watch me right and I went under for like 10 whole minutes! There was a big fight afterwards...
22) What do you do on a regular day basis?
I read and study with mom and then do fun stuff with dad
23) Do you love someone?
I love my family. And my dinosaurs
24) When was the last time you wet yourself.
25) What's your favorite band?
I don’t really have a favourite... oh wait. Zeppelin rule?
26) Ever worn a dress?
27) Willingly?
...Nooooo that’s girl stuff
28) What do you consider fun in the day-time?
A whole bunch of stuff
29) At night?
Uhh... the same stuff I do during the day? Aunty Em and I watch movies a whole bunch at night
30) Ever kissed anyone?
Cindy Dawson in 2nd grade, it was weird
31) ...Of the same gender?
Ewwwwww no
34) Anyone loves you?
My family do
35) What’s your favorite color?
36) When was the last time you cried?
Mom and dad don’t like it when I cry, it makes them sad, so I try not to
37) Do you have a pet?
Nah but I want one so bad
38) What did you name your pet?
I would get a dog and call it something cool like Rover
39) Are you crazy?
I don’t think so
40) What are you?
I’m a home schooled 5th grader
41) What’s your nickname?
I get JP or Oscar most of the time
42) Do you consider yourself a happy or a down person?
I think I’m happy, being happy is way more fun
43) If you were a superhero, you'll be...?
I’d be like Batman, I’d have a cool cape and a batcave and a utility belt!
45) What is your current occupation?
I’m kinda still at school
46) Who do you know that bugs you?
Sometimes when I go to school for a while some of the other kids bug me ‘cause I’m short. I just ignore ‘em most of the time
47) What's your favourite song?
Not really sure. I like the stuff Uncle Dean plays
48) Do you consider yourself a warrior?
Nah, but one day I’ll be big and strong and then I can fight anything I want to
He seems a little childish to me. Poor sheltered little thing.
I'm going to bed. 5am start (Y)
Good night x
Sunday, 12 December 2010
December 12th.
Just a little update mostly to tell you we're still alive. I added a few new songs to the playlist in the hopes of inspiration, including: Remain by Trone Wells (a seriously beautiful song, check it out!), Are you with me? by Trapt and 'Orchard of Mines' by Globus.
At the moment I'm making graphics for Christmas so expect lots of new stuff, and a BIGLY surprise on Christmas day! Happy 12th December!
xox - Robyn
Friday, 19 November 2010
Can You Handle the Truth Part II (The Redemption)
Anyways, I can't edit posts Robyn's made since she's the ultimate creator of the blog and I'm like a crappy underling who can only post and edit her own posts and can't actually format D: Sad times.
What's in your bag? The one you use every day.
Well, I usually carry two bags; my school bag and my swim bag. In my school bag there’s my books for my subjects: two PE textbooks, a homework diary, a pencil case, a “history of sport” booklet and some past papers for chemistry. My swim bag has about 6 swim hats, 2 pairs of goggles, one or two swim suits, contact lenses and a bottle of water in it.
Favourite pizza toppings?
Hmm... Tossup between plain old cheese and ham and pepperoni. I like to mix it up a little sometimes though, so any pizza will suit me fine :D
Coffee or tea?
Depends on my mood, but I’m 9 times out of 10 a coffee drinker. I need the caffeine for the morning haha, I’m also quite a big frappe drinker.
If you could only pick one of each, which book, movie and album would you take with you on a dessert island?
Book would be really hard since I don’t usually read books more than once. Probably something really long like the complete Lord of the Rings. Movie... hmmm... Probably Armageddon, the ending gets me every time and Bruce Willis is awesome in that movie. As for album, I’m not sure, maybe Physical Graffiti by Led Zeppelin, it’s their best album IMO. Or Chronicle by Credence Clearwater Revival (Although it’s a greatest hits album, it’s damn awesome!)
Favourite thing about living in Ireland?
I like being able to say “I’m Irish” ha-ha! I love the accent that the people have from down south and I love the way most people are genuinely really friendly J
Any grand plans after school?
My super big grand plans would be to go to California next summer and play water polo in Sacramento like my coach wants me to. If I do well there I’d probably move to Manchester and go to uni there so I can play on the Great British water polo team. Who knows where it would go from there. My more realistic plan is to go to Trinity College and do dentistry, medicine or physiotherapy.
What other fandoms do you fallow?
I enjoy a bit of everything really, if a book, movie or game catches my interest enough I’ll have a wee look at the fandom and see if I like it. If I do, then I stay involved, vidding, fan fiction etc. At the minute I’m interested in; Gears of War, Firefly, Assassin’s Creed, Kingdom Hearts and Darren Shan
Favourite episode of Supernatural?
I like the old seasons better than the new ones generally; Wendigo, Bloody Mary, Devil’s Trap, In My Time of Dying, Malleus Malificarum and Jus in Bello.
Favourite part about writing fan fiction?
It’s escapism :D A chance to get away from the boring daily grind. It’s great to write about something you enjoy, like a homage to the creators while still being able to be creative about it J
Hooray, I'm really boring!
Can you handle the truth?
What's in your bag? The one you use every day.
Robyn: Well, normally my school bag has my books for Chemistry, Biology, English Lit (normally a mix of books and plays, this year 'the tempest', 'streetcar named desire' and 'the glass menagerie') and then my History notes. Then, I have my homework Diary which I'm meant to write homeworks into so I don't forget. But I don't. And then I forget. My teachers really love that. In a weekend bag (ones I carry around into town) normally have my polka dot make up bag, my phone, my iPod/walkman, and random bus tickets from months before.
Favorite pizza toppings?
Robyn: Aw man, I love everything. I recently discovered my like of pepperoni, but I'm a total Hawaiian girl. In other words, ham, cheese and pineapple. But I actually don't like eating the pineapple, I like picking it off and enjoying the sort of fruitiness left behind once its removed. So basically I like ham and cheese. And obviously tomato.
Coffee or tea?
Robyn: Extremely milky, sugary tea. Although my friends (avid tea drinker fanatics) despise my taking of sugar as apparently it makes it 'not teaish'. I can't help it though. I have a sweettooth.
If you could only pick one of each, which book, movie and album would you take with you on a dessert island?
Robyn: Oooh good question. Alright, book? Ummm...I DON'T KNOW. Maybe, 'The Various Haunts Of Men' by Susan Hill OR 'perks of being a wallflower' by Steven Chbosky. Movie would have to be 'Drop Dead Fred', it's basically my childhood in the form of an old 90s movie. Album....toughie. I'd say (I know this is kind of cheating, 'cause it's more of a compilation album) 'The Best Of The Scorpians'. I don't even know. My Dad bought it ages ago for christmas one year for me, and he was like "You like all this sappy rock music, right?" And thus my love for Klaus Meine was born.
Favorite thing about living in Ireland?
Robyn: I don't know! I think the beautiful countryside. No matter where you go it's always beautiful (especially in the summer sun). And every little town is different and every city has so much history. I mean Ireland has been through some shit over the past few decades/centuries, and we're still being tough cookies through it all.
Any grand plans after school?
Robyn: I'm going to run away and join the Russian circus. I can put my leg over my head, y'know? I think that warrants a spot on the tour. Umm, at the moment I'm totally torn between career paths. Every wednesday after school I help out with a class of 8 year olds in a local school and that's really amazing. So I'd love to do a degree in psychology and then go on to do primary school ( for kids aged 5-11) teaching. OR, I've always loved science and animals, so I was thinking about doing Veterinary Science, but I don't know. Thus, I have work experience set out in February where I spend a week in a school helping a teacher, and another week in a veterinary surgery so I can make a choice about which to pursue.
What other fandoms do you follow?
Robyn: Oooh, I'm not as passionate about other fandoms as I am with supernatural, however I do watch some shows religiously. I adore Criminal Minds for its unique storylines and take on the criminal psyche. I watch Merlin on bbciplayer and I'm a huge Gwen/Arthur shipper. Umm, True Blood, The Walking Dead, Firefly (God bless its cancelled soul) annnd occaisionally I'll watch an episode or two of Chuck with my brother.
Favorite episode of Supernatural?
Robyn: I absolutely adore Faith and Devil's Trap, and many many more (i.e most of every season). I don't think I can choose, it'd be like choosing one child over the other.
Favorite part about writing fanfiction?
Robyn: Definately trying to get into the head of whatever character it is you're writing, and finding the balanace between your thoughts and their's. I really love it when something works out and I read over a few months later and I'm proud of it (I very rarely am, but still). It's the sort of satisfaction when you read something and think "I wrote that!".
This was fun. I had fun. Did you have fun? I hope you had fun. Anywho! I'm just back from being a convict/cowboy in the school play and I am exhausted. So enjoy your weekend and don't party too hardy!
x- Robyn
Thursday, 18 November 2010
Interrogation time.
And I just remembered Poets Of The Fall were from Finland. So, have some POTF to listen to:
x - RobynSunday, 7 November 2010
Brennende Liebe
It gave me a huge inspiration boost so I'm hoping it works for other people too.
I can never make Sam&Lauren manips...I don't know why, but I just sat down and listened to this song and voila! (I was going to save these until christmas but I have the patience of a teaspoon).

(version #2)
Now I'm off to do english literature coursework.
xo - Robyn
Saturday, 6 November 2010
Junie's Banner :D

So, Junie mentioned on her Christmas post that she was taking fic requests. Since I requested a fic I decided to take her idea and make her a wee banner :D
Use it for whatever/wherever you want, Junie. Hope you like it :). Hurray for inserting yourself into the BIGLY world :D
I made like 3 versions of this before I settled on this one haha
Friday, 5 November 2010
- Lauren's name "Lauren Sarah" was taken from Shannon's little sister, Lauryn Sarah. Incidentally, Shannon, when she was five, decided on her little sister's middle name.
- Lauren's last name was based on a friend's last name "McMurray". She went on to create some of the first BIGLY posters, ones we still love and use today :D
- The names Murray and Gilmore come from the same Irish name; Mac Giolla Mhuire. Alexis Bledel is most famous for her role as Rory Gilmore on "Gilmore Girls".
- Emmy Roser's name was inspired by the actress Emmy Rossum. Emmy shares her middle name, Jayne, with Robyn. However it was finalised because "Emily Jayne" sounds nice when said aloud.
- In Asylum, Sam's POV is only used once; when he goes crazy. This was to maximise the impact of the scene... But mainly because Shannon hates writing Sam's POV.
- In Asylum, Shannon left out Kat and Gavin because she's lazy, and she decided they weren't pivotal to the plot.
- Robyn owns a heart shaped necklace exactly like Emmy's described as having. Her friends made it for her birthday after she spent a few days lusting for the necklace she imagined.
- Emmy's fiancee Seth's last name, "Ivle", is an anagram of "evil". Seth itself can also be traced to the egyptian God, Set, who was the Egyptian God of destruction and chaos.
- The first actress to portray Lillith in Season 3 played a young Zooey Deschanel in Tinman. The girl who plays Missy in The Benders was also in Tinman.
- The episode "Wendigo" was originally going to be ignored due to Lauren's absence, but we liked the story so much that we just shunted it to later in the season.
- Even though it's Robyn's least favorite episode, she wrote Route 666 first. Shannon's first chapter was Skin.
- The only time in the fic the third person perspective isn't used is during Sam's visions.
(Go on Robyn, think of random trivia you have about the fic that I've left out :D)
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
And I love this song as well, fully gets my imagination going like a riot:
Speaking of writing, I'm on the bit where Lucas is standing next to the lake, about to be drowned by an angry dead boy. I've written like 10 pages in the past two days.
xo Robyn
Saturday, 16 October 2010
I finally have a muse!
And I'm vidding a wee Demmy vidlet out of sheer boredom.
And I found this vid a while back (credit to eternaleclipse19 on youtube) and it's based around Rory and Dean from gilmore girls (a.k.a Jared and Alexis). It's so cute and I love it.
Finalement (whippin' out my crazy french skills) my latest computer wallpaper that I made to show my brother how I make my manips.
It makes my wee fangirl heart squee every time. And my brother admitted that he wouldn't even know how to paint a cat in photoshop. BOO YAH, SUCCESS.
xo - Robyn
Saturday, 9 October 2010
Shadow-ey things.
Without warning there was a scraping sound as Dean drew up another chair to the already slightly crowded bar table.
“So did you get anything besides her number?” Sam asked him, not even looking up from his research. Dean scoffed.
“Dude, I’m a professional. I’m offended you would think that.”
Everyone looked at him in unison, eyebrows raised disbelievingly.
“All right, yeah.” He admitted with a smile, pulling out a napkin with the offending number on it and laying it on the table. Emmy casually leaned over and grabbed it, inspecting the sheet with a knowing nod.
“Nice penmanship.” She said approvingly.
“Mind thinking with your upstairs brain for a minute here Dean?” Sam said with a shake of the head.
“Look, there’s nothing to find out,” Dean retorted defensively. “Meredith worked here, she waited tables, and everyone here was her friend. Everybody said she was normal. She didn’t do anything weird before she died.” Dean counted off his points on his fingers. “So did you find anything on the symbol we found in the apartment yet?”
“Nope,” Sam replied with a sigh, setting down the paper in his hand. “It wasn’t in Dad’s journal or any of the usual books. We’ll just have to dig a little deeper I guess.”
Dean looked slightly put off at the thought that the investigation was going nowhere, “Well, there was a first victim, right? Before Meredith?”
“Yup,” Lauren replied, pulling a newspaper clipping from thin air. She passed it across the table to him. Dean took it out of her hand with a little more force than was necessary. “His name was Ben Swardstrom.” She added.
“Mutilated in his town house... Door was locked... Alarm was on...” Dean muttered extracts to himself from the article under his breath as he read. He looked up as he finished, looking slightly more puzzled. “Is there any connection between the two of them?”
“Not that we can tell. Ben was a banker, Meredith was a waitress. They never met, never knew anyone in common- they were practically from different worlds,” Sam replied.
“So, to recap, the only successful intel we’ve scored so far is the bartender’s phone number.” Dean said with a smirk. He looked between the three in amusement, waiting for a snarky comeback to come his way. Instead Lauren seemed to have spotted something terrible in the distance. Her eyebrows scrunched up and she leaned forwards, staring into the space behind Dean. He swivelled in his seat quickly, looking for the source of her discomfort, half wanting to give it a high five. He didn’t see anything out of place in the dingy bar behind him. He swung back to face them with a loud “What?”
“You’ve gotta be kidding me,” Lauren muttered to herself. Having spotted the look on her face, Sam’s eyes traced the same path Lauren’s had and they seemingly came to rest on the same thing.
“No...” he mumbled, quickly standing up from his seat. He began walking to the other side of the bar, much to the confusion of Dean and Emmy.
“Lauren...” Emmy began before Lauren got off her seat and followed Sam’s path across the bar. She quickly caught him since he was hindered by several drunk men making an attempt to play pool halfway to his destination. The two of them squared up to a small blonde woman facing the other direction. Dean watched Sam put a hand on her shoulder, though he couldn’t hear what they said from this far away.
“Dean, have you been letting Sam and Lauren out socialising again?” Emmy asked quietly. She’d picked up the napkin with the bartender’s number on it and had begun to draw aimless patterns in the free space.
“Who’s this chick, some kind of college buddy or what?” Dean asked gruffly. Emmy shrugged absentmindedly in response, “Probably. We should go over and ask.”
Dean shook his head, beginning to form some sort of reason why they should stay on this side of the bar. On second thoughts, Blondie was kinda hot. Maybe he would go over and see just how well Sam knew her.
Dean cocked his head at Lauren, her lips were moving in a flurry but no sound seemed to be coming out. What a weirdo. He turned back to face Sam and Blondie, wanting to gauge how they knew each other.
“I came, I saw, I conquered,” the girl said with a smile. “Anyway the whole scene got old so I’m living here for a while.”
Dean half smiled sarcastically. Real nice of her to tell him her whole life story. He cleared his throat loudly, waiting on Sam to do proper introductions.
“So you’re from Chicago?” Sam asked, seemingly ignoring his brother completely.
“No Massachusetts – Andover. Gosh, Sam, what are the odds we’d run into each other?” Meg asked. Lauren snorted loudly.
“There are around two hundred and eighty eight million people living in America.” She said, looking at Meg. “And two million eight hundred odd people in Chicago alone. So... Those chances are pretty slim.” She finished in a strained voice. Dean rolled his eyes at the geekathon. He cleared his throat again, hoping to finally attract some attention to himself. Blondie finally acknowledged his presence by looking over Sam’s shoulder at him with a scowl. “Dude, cover your mouth.” She said scathingly.
Dean looked at her in shock. Sam rubbed the back of his head and gave Dean an apologetic glance.
“Yeah, I’m sorry Meg. This is my brother, Dean and this is Emmy.” He waved his hand at the two of them as he said their names in turn. Emmy gave the girl a small wave as she was introduced.
“This is Dean?” Meg said with an air of uncertainty. Dean smiled. So Sam had mentioned him.
“You’ve heard of me?” He asked.
“Oh yeah,” Meg answered with a frown “I’ve heard of you. Nice- the way you treat your brother like luggage.”
Monday, 4 October 2010
Hell House.