Friday, 19 November 2010

Can you handle the truth?

 Right gonna answer some questions posed by Junie, Shannon can add her own answers when she gets online if she wants.

What's in your bag? The one you use every day.
Robyn: Well, normally my school bag has my books for Chemistry, Biology, English Lit (normally a mix of books and plays, this year 'the tempest', 'streetcar named desire' and 'the glass menagerie') and then my History notes. Then, I have my homework Diary which I'm meant to write homeworks into so I don't forget. But I don't. And then I forget. My teachers really love that. In a weekend bag (ones I carry around into town) normally have my polka dot make up bag, my phone, my iPod/walkman, and random bus tickets from months before.

Favorite pizza toppings?
Robyn: Aw man, I love everything. I recently discovered my like of pepperoni, but I'm a total Hawaiian girl. In other words, ham, cheese and pineapple. But I actually don't like eating the pineapple, I like picking it off and enjoying the sort of fruitiness left behind once its removed. So basically I like ham and cheese. And obviously tomato.

Coffee or tea?

Robyn: Extremely milky, sugary tea. Although my friends (avid tea drinker fanatics) despise my taking of sugar as apparently it makes it 'not teaish'. I can't help it though. I have a sweettooth.

If you could only pick one of each, which book, movie and album would you take with you on a dessert island?
Robyn: Oooh good question. Alright, book? Ummm...I DON'T KNOW. Maybe, 'The Various Haunts Of Men'  by Susan Hill OR 'perks of being a wallflower' by Steven Chbosky. Movie would have to be 'Drop Dead Fred', it's basically my childhood in the form of an old 90s movie. Album....toughie. I'd say (I know this is kind of cheating, 'cause it's more of a compilation album) 'The Best Of The Scorpians'. I don't even know. My Dad bought it ages ago for christmas one year for me, and he was like "You like all this sappy rock music, right?" And thus my love for Klaus Meine was born.

Favorite thing about living in Ireland?
Robyn: I don't know! I think the beautiful countryside. No matter where you go it's always beautiful (especially in the summer sun). And every little town is different and every city has so much history. I mean Ireland has been through some shit over the past few decades/centuries, and we're still being tough cookies through it all.

Any grand plans after school?
Robyn: I'm going to run away and join the Russian circus. I can put my leg over my head, y'know? I think that warrants a spot on the tour. Umm, at the moment I'm totally torn between career paths. Every wednesday after school I help out with a class of 8 year olds in a local school and that's really amazing. So I'd love to do  a degree in psychology and then go on to do primary school ( for kids aged 5-11) teaching. OR, I've always loved science and animals, so I was thinking about doing Veterinary Science, but I don't know. Thus, I have work experience set out in February where I spend a week in a school helping a teacher, and another week in a veterinary surgery so I can make a choice about which to pursue.

What other fandoms do you follow?
Robyn: Oooh, I'm not as passionate about other fandoms as I am with supernatural, however I do watch some shows religiously. I adore Criminal Minds for its unique storylines and take on the criminal psyche. I watch Merlin on bbciplayer and I'm a huge Gwen/Arthur shipper. Umm, True Blood, The Walking Dead, Firefly (God bless its cancelled soul) annnd occaisionally I'll watch an episode or two of Chuck with my brother.

Favorite episode of Supernatural?
Robyn: I absolutely adore Faith and Devil's Trap, and many many more (i.e most of every season). I don't think I can choose, it'd be like choosing one child over the other.

Favorite part about writing fanfiction?
Robyn: Definately trying to get into the head of whatever character it is you're writing, and finding the balanace between your thoughts and their's. I really love it when something works out and I read over a few months later and I'm proud of it (I very rarely am, but still). It's the sort of satisfaction when you read something and think "I wrote that!".

This was fun. I had fun. Did you have fun? I hope you had fun. Anywho! I'm just back from being a convict/cowboy in the school play and I am exhausted. So enjoy your weekend and don't party too hardy!
x- Robyn


  1. Oooh that was interesting. I feel like I know you a little better. Drop Dead Fred is such a great movie!

  2. "IT'S THE MEGABITCH. SHE KILLED ME WITH HER DEATH BREATH." I know! I love it so much, I've seen it like 15 times since I was about 5 years old.
