Sunday 12 December 2010

December 12th.

Sorry for the serious lack of updates but both Shannon and I are about to encounter another group of badass exams that's sole purpose is to try and destroy our brains.
Just a little update mostly to tell you we're still alive. I added a few new songs to the playlist in the hopes of inspiration, including: Remain by Trone Wells (a seriously beautiful song, check it out!), Are you with me? by Trapt and 'Orchard of Mines' by Globus.

At the moment I'm making graphics for Christmas so expect lots of new stuff, and a BIGLY surprise on Christmas day! Happy 12th December!

xox - Robyn


  1. Oh good! I was beginning to worry.

    I'll check out the songs as soon as I can. Hopefully they'll feed the bunnies...

  2. Don't worry Junie I'm always here, wandering around (mostly lurking in my bedroom waiting for your updates).
    The next update will probably be Christmas (unless Shannon has little bits and pieces she wants to put up).
    Definately listen to the songs, I find them pretty good for the inspiration kicks I need. At some point, when Alexis and Zooey are in more things, I will have to vid them!

  3. I just worked out I'll be in the pool for about 14 hours next week. Not counting the 8 or 9 I'll spend lurking on poolside...

    Which is why I haven't been updating or commenting. I do feel bad, but I'll get round to it.

    I've got some drabbles and a short christmas fic stockpiled. If I get some spare time over christmas I'll defo stick them up

  4. Totally Off Topic:
    Shannon, 14 hours in the pool in one week! You must know a really good moisturizer. I'm using extra virgin coconut oil over here, that's how dry the cold weather is making my skin. I mean just this morning it was
    -15 centigrade. I'm making Dean and Jedi wear woolly jumpers when we go out. It's that cold.
