Friday, 4 June 2010

The Process Of Manipulation

I found the original photo of a manip I did ages ago and had to laugh. I'd forgotten how much time it had taken to mask out that bloody...MEXICAN...PINATA...THING. I've always wanted to do a "Before" and "After" shot, it's like a makeover show.

            =     After

My favourite ever Demmy manip :D


  1. You're so talented! I love that moment in Heart where Dean was exited about his baby bro getting some. (That's from Heart, right?)Other than that it was an epic sob fest.

    I have no artistic eye what so ever. I need a Demmy wallpaper, badly...

  2. Awk thank you <3 And yes! It is Heart! So sad :'(
    I'll get on that wallpaper problem in the next 2 weeks! ;)

  3. Hey, you worry about my lack of wallpaper after your exams... okay?

  4. Will do! The whole soul-crushing experience will be over in a total of 13 days, thank you for being so wonderful Junie, your encouragement always cheers me up!
