I'm thinking of making Tuesday officially the picspam day. Even though technically it's now Wednesday...well it was Tuesday a few minutes ago. Shhh, I won't tell if you don't.
I'm going on my holiday in like 2 weeks, on 10th July, so I won't be 'round until August 1st when I get back. *cries* Then again, I haven't been on a proper holiday for 5 years, so I'm really looking forward to it.
I'll have my laptop with me, and there's WiFi in some of the places I'm staying in, so I might, might be able to pop online every once and a while, but I shall be continueing to write when I get the chance to. Until then (about 11 days), I'll churn out as many things as possible. So enjoy Tuesday/Wednesday picspam while it lasts!
(click on the picture for a bigger version :D)
Also, I know how music can really inspire people, so to help coax that bunny back to Junie I've compiled a bunch of songs that never fail to inspire me. Some of them have nothing to do with BIGLY, but for some reason they just get me into the "zone", as the creepy professionals say.
#1 Your love is a song - Switchfoot
#2 Centre Of Attention - Jackson Waters (one of my all time favourite songs, the kick near the end never fails to amaze me). Due to the fact they're a pretty obscure band, there are no actual versions on youtube, so the video below is the vid I first heard this song in.
#3 Howl - Florence And The Machine
#4 Guns And Horses - Ellie Goulding, "Left my house, left my clothes. Door wide open, heaven knows, you're so worth it. You are."
I'm being cruel, and posting this in sections. Muahaha, so this is the first installment of a "teach-'em-how-to-shoot" oneshotty thingymajig. Always wanted to do one, and I finally got inspired by the song guns and horses by Ellie Goulding.
"You move so fast, makes me feel lazy. And let's join forces, we've got our guns and horses."
“This is ridiculous!” Emmy stormed, kicking over one of the cans Sam had thrown on the dusty track. “We’re going to shoot ourselves!”
Here they were, in the middle of nowhere, with one man building a shelf of cans and another holding the largest gun Lauren had ever seen. Apparently it was “time” as Dean had explained so elegantly. He had practically dragged them out of the motel and into the car, and Sam had sat with a small grin plastered on his face for the entire journey. Obviously the two had been conspiring for a few days about this. Before Lauren had fallen asleep last night, she had heard quietened whispers which warranted a low chuckle from Dean. She kicked herself for not eavesdropping.
“No you won’t.” Sam grinned, striding off to a bunch of ill-placed shelves, ready to collapse at the slightest breeze. Sam had constructed it himself, and with an armful of aluminium cans and glass bottles, he decorated it.
“Sam and I think you two need to start getting the hang of these,” Dean settled the huge gun, Lauren believed it was a rifle now, on the ground, and picked up a much smaller handgun.
“It’s not like you ever let us out of the car, to be honest.” Emmy mumbled.
Lauren nodded, “Exactly. And what are we supposed to shoot in there? Each other?”
Dean looked pensive, “I wonder who would win that one. Any bets?”
His brother returned to his side, long arm stretching in the direction of the finished shelves, targets placed intricately. “Ta-dah.” He looked proud of his creation. Now that he had returned, he slipped his hand behind his back and revealed a gun of similar size to Dean’s. Lauren recognised it, but she was sure if he had held another one the same colour next to it, she wouldn’t tell the difference.
“Alrighty-roo then. Listen up kids,” Dean began, attempting to ignore the sour looks on the girls’ faces. “Quit lookin’ at me like that. You need to learn at some point if you’re gonna follow us around like lost puppies.”
“I see myself as a lover not a fighter. Peace and all that,” Emmy shrugged, attempting to wiggle her way out of the situation.
Lauren took a leaf out of her book, “I have sensitive hearing.”
“My ass.” Dean seemed to tug at the gun, before it clicked. The girls jumped. He let out a small chuckle again.
“Dean’s right. We can’t protect you forever. What happens if we get dragged off and you have to fend for yourself? What do you do then?”
Dean nodded, “Exactly. Out here, if you can't hold a gun and shoot at a moving target, you’re useless."
“Gee thanks.” Emmy feigned offence, folding her arms in defiance. Lauren raised a hand to her eyes, blocking out the blinding sun.
“What if we’re terrible?” Lauren questioned, squinting at the gun in the eldest brother’s hands.
“You will be. It’s natural.” Dean responded, twirling his gun like it were nothing.
Sam sighed at his brother’s sugar-coating of the subject, “We’re not expecting bulls-eyes first time ‘round. We just need to know you know how to.”
Lauren nodded slowly, taking the brothers in. She had never shot a gun before, and as terrified as she was that she would cause herself some form of damage, the prospect of firing one excited her. “I suppose we could at least give it a go.”
“I’m going to shoot myself and die in the middle of nowhere.” Emmy told herself quietly, refusing to acknowledge the presence of the weapons.
Sam gestured his hand towards his brother, beckoning him to begin the lesson.
“Okie dokie.” He held the gun he gripped in his right hand in the air, admiring it as it glimmered in the sun. “This is a Colt 1911 A1. This baby’s got a .45 calibre. It’s semi-automatic. It—” Emmy and Lauren looked lost already. Dean sighed, “That means it reloads automatically, okay?” They nodded. “It’s as solid as a rock.” He held it in front of him, indicating for Emmy to take it. Reluctantly she stepped forward, carefully taking the thing between her forefinger and thumb like it was something they had dredged up from a sewer. She quickly fixed her grip, realising it was heavier than expected.
She was amazed she wasn’t dead yet.
Sam spoke this time, “You can have this one. It’s semi-automatic, too. A Taurus. They’re pretty easy to hide, hence they come in handy...” He handed it to her with a wink, stepping back and placing both hands in his pockets. Turning it over, she followed the patterns on the grip. The brothers watched for a second to see how the two would accustom themselves to the situation. Lauren felt a little better now it was in her hands and pointed away from her. Emmy just glared at the object.
“Brass.” Dean stated simply. It got their attention. Again, they looked lost. “Breathe, relax, aim, slack, squeeze. Brass…”
“Ooh, what’s this?” Emmy pointed to the back of the gun, poking at something she had found interesting. Lauren looked at the back of her own, intrigued as to what her friend was talking about.
“That’s the safety lock, don’t touch it yet.” Regarding Dean’s serious expression, and guessing the safety lock had something to do with why she hadn’t shot anything yet, Emmy pulled her exploring hand away, throwing Sam a shrug.
“Maybe we should tell them what’s what, first?” Sam suggested, turning to his brother. In return, Dean sighed. He had wanted to dive straight into the shooting things part. He had to remind himself the girls were beginners, and that he had once been in their shoes. With a second sigh, he nodded. It was gonna be a long day.
I'm editing and writing at the same time, and I thought I'd take a break to share some of the supernatural vidders who have inspired me countless numbers of times!
I've talked to her a couple of times, and not only is she incredibley lovely, but she is a God at editing. I first came across her not too long ago, through one of her 500 Days Of Summer videos, then I realised she had done supernatural ones too.
Words don't describe how incredible this vidder is. Her name's Kelly and not only is she extremely talented, but she's hilariously funny too. This vid actually introduced me to the instrumental "loss of a twin" which I used in a "10 things I hate about you" Demmy vid, that I no longer have on my computer.
I can't sum up my love, so you can see yourself:
And finally, my favourite vidder of all time, Gaby0189:
She is a crossover GENIUS. Her manips are what finally pushed me to track down a version of sony vegas after battling with a constant freezing windows movie maker, all that time ago. Most of her vids have introduced me to bands that I now adore, as well as favourite songs. This one was the first sony vegas produced vid I'd ever seen, and needless to say my jaw dropped and I died a little inside from the awesomeness.
I hope you enjoyed that little insight to the vidding world, and may you enjoy the show ;)
(All credit goes to the amazing gals that made these videos! I'm nothing but a fan.)
"Out here, if you can't hold a gun and shoot at a moving target, you are useless."
Hit of inspiration, I duno. I might elaborate on this one line, but this sort of popped into my head. I think I might try a "teach-'em-how-to-shoot" one-shot, as I have been dying to write one for like a year. Just need to get back into the swing of things, I haven't written anything original in like...5 months. Ouch.
Oh Dean and Lauren, how we love your constant bitching at each other. Though, it's kinda getting to me now. I mean, will they hate each other forever? (You know a fanfiction's going well when even one of the authors has no idea what's going to happen next.)
To be honest it's a relatively unfounded hate, stemming from Dean's uncanny ability to hold a grudge for way longer than he should and the fact he associates Lauren with Sam's departure for college. Basically it boils down to Dean sees it as Sam left him alone with John for her (Although technically not true, try telling him that). I guess it became mutual once she realised how much he didn't want her there. Maybe they'll overcome their differences when something forces them to work together? Dean's not all for the bookish types but maybe if he got past his dislike for long enough to just have a normal conversation with her then they could possibly strike up some sort of uneasy friendship.
Failing that they can just carry on being "secret best friends" as Emmy puts it.
On a different note... Can you imagine shipping Lauren with Dean and Emmy with Sam? WEIRD. I know. Emmy and Sam would be.. okay I guess. A little commonplace though, the good guy with the good girl. Lauren and Dean on the other hand just don't seem to gell at all, I dunno putting them together is like.. wrong.
"Semmy" as they will forever be known
And "Lean"
Y'know... Just contemplating those names... I'm glad we didn't go there. (Although I'm secretly veeeery happy with how those pics turned out LOL)
I know I promised her I wouldn't make it until the exams were over, BUT I'M SORRY JUNIE, THE BUNNIES HIT. I know you feel my pain.
Junie was telling me about her severe lack of Demmy wallpaper, so I decided to try and whip something up and I kept thinking about how I'd make it. Then, I was listening to "Far From Home", a song that has been in my favourites box for a few months since I found it. It's a completely and utterly beautiful song by five finger death punch (I know, not very beautiful name), the chorus is incredible...well, actually the whole song is to be honest, but as soon as that first chorus hits, it's indescribable.
It got the cogs turning and MAGICALLY photoshop opened.
Here's the song:
and here you are, Junie, your very own Dean&Emmy wallpaper (click on it for a much bigger version!):
And here's a black and white version, I wasn't sure which you would prefer because I couldn't choose, so I thought why not give you both! This one is a little more angsty:
And finally, because you always get me in the fluffy mood:
Basically to say thank you for being so considerate about the soulcrushing exams (ONLY FIVE MORE DAYS TO GO!), loving Dean&Emmy as much as I do andfortaming those plot bunnies of your's into the most amazing stories and one shots.
I actually despise the "cut-and-paste-someone's-face-onto-someone-else's" manipulations.
I missed my Zooey and Alexis, though.
I can't do these types :( they look so...fake. Then again, they are, so it's not my fault. I guess practice makes perfect.
On the other hand!
Here's one I made earlier (i.e like months ago):
It's like battle of the shorties. I decided to turn the tables around, and make Alexis the shortcake in the one above. Yes, my brain is so fried that this kind of thing amuses me. Someone get me a straight jacket!
Possibly coming up in June: plain ol' supernatural picspam? more BIGLY picspam? A new wallpaper for Dear Junie? And perhaps some one shots and a finished dead in the water. Whoooo knows.
I found the original photo of a manip I did ages ago and had to laugh. I'd forgotten how much time it had taken to mask out that bloody...MEXICAN...PINATA...THING. I've always wanted to do a "Before" and "After" shot, it's like a makeover show.
I'm writing Shadow at the minute. It's going pretty slowly mainly because the episode starts relatively slowly.
“You sure this is it?” Emmy asked disapprovingly from the back seat of the sleek ’67 Chevy Impala. “Pretty sure we should have taken a left back there...” Emmy picked at her fingernails, trying to look disinterested.
“You mean towards Millennium Park?” Lauren asked observationally. “Didn’t think you were a park person.”
“Well, Millennium Park sounds a lot more interesting than another dead person.” Emmy retorted, stifling a yawn about to pass from her parted lips. Lauren made an amused snorting noise.
“Maybe you would fit in okay at the park... but I’m not so sure about Stretch and Muscles over there.” She raised her eyebrows in the direction of the offending brothers, who were busy pulling on matching navy coveralls, the integral part of their newest scheme.
“Is anyone really gonna fall for those?” Emmy said disapprovingly.
“Thanks for the support.” Dean said witheringly, “Great to know everyone’s on board here.”
Emmy rolled her eyes and creased her eyebrows together as Dean and Sam slipped out of the car into the Chicago breeze.
“What’s got you so upset? You’re usually one hundred and ten percent on these schemes.” Lauren asked her sulking friend.
“Don’t know.” Emmy muttered. “I’m just not in the mood for another hunt right now.”
“Fair enough.” Lauren stated. She knew what Emmy meant, the smell of corpses and the horrible crimson blood was enough to send most normal people howling to the nuthouse. She wondered idly when she had crossed that line.
“Plus I saw a brochure with the greatest sculpture ever.” Emmy said, so quietly that Lauren hardly heard her.
“A sculpture? You’re a sculpture person?” Lauren asked in disbelief. She had pegged Emmy as many things but an art person?
“It’s no ordinary sculpture, Lauren.” Emmy’s serious tone and expression forced Lauren to bite her lip to stifle a laugh. “It’s the biggest giant metal ball... thing. You. Will. Ever. See.”
“Sounds impressive,” Lauren retorted as seriously as she could. “You could ask Dean for the keys and we could go and see the sculpture. It beats waiting around here for them to get back.”
Emmy’s face brightened at the idea, “This is why you’re Brain and I’m Pinky.” She threw the car door open, launched herself outside and Lauren watched amusedly as Emmy half ran, half skipped behind the boys until she caught up with their large strides. Lauren smiled at the varying facial expressions that crossed their faces as Emmy explained her plan to them. Eventually Dean must have given in because Emmy jumped into the air excitedly and grabbed the small bundle of silver keys from his outstretched hand. Within seconds Emmy had bundled herself back into the car, her mood completely changed. She swung her gaze into the back seat and gave Lauren a disapproving look.
“Lauren. I’m not going to chauffer you around Chicago, get in the front.” Lauren paused before climbing awkwardly from the back into the front. She sat there for a moment in silence.
“Emmy... This is the first time I’ve been in the front of this car.”
Emmy looked at her in a mixture of confusion and amusement. “One of these fine days you and Dean are going to realise that you’re actually secret best friends. Or maybe...” Lauren shot her a disbelieving look, “You’re already secret best friends.” Lauren snorted.
"Kamikaze airplanes in the sky, are we going down or will we fly? This could be a shipwreck on the shore, or we we could sail away for ever more. This time, it's sink or swim."
~ Tyrone Wells, "Sink or Swim".