Wednesday 14 November 2012


So, I decided to make a fanmix. NO REGRETS.

Track List:
  1.  Northern Wind - City and Colour
  2. Samson - Regina Spektor
  3. Second Chances - Paper Route
  4. Cities Alive (Acoustic) - The Darling Buds
  5. Ghost Town - First Aid Kit
  6. Love, Love, Love - Of Monsters and Men
  7. Blood Bank - Bon Iver
  8. History Book - Dry the River
  9. So Many Roads - Fink
  10. BONUS: Unfinished Business - White Lies [Mumford & Sons cover]
Listen here. If you guys really want, I can pull together a download link! There's not a strict theme to this, though there's a lot of love songs and biblical references. There's also a lot of mentions of travelling, and I think all the songs have a very similar feel to them. They're all very soft and I've been using this to get to sleep for the past couple of nights. It's worked pretty well! Anyway, enjoy!

EDIT: meant to say, Unfinished Business fits into the "No Quarter" arc, which is why I kept it separate  (I just made myself sad oops).

- Shannon

Tuesday 13 November 2012


Oh wow hey new settings!

So it's been a really long time since I posted on here, but I checked on the blog the other night on a whim and saw that Robyn had made a post since I had last been on (which admittedly was around half a year ago?) anyway, it immediately gave me this massive dose of nostalgia and I wanted to make some graphics just to channel this burst of inspiration into something productive.

It's been a pretty long time since I made anything for BIGLY but I might try my hand at writing something, and I think you'll be seeing more photoshopped things in the near future. Mainly because, let's face it, I actually know what I'm doing with it now.

Anyway, thanks for looking!


Monday 9 July 2012


wow, long time, no blog (whoaaah the whole posting thingy has changed and now it's neat and pretty!)

I'm bored with a side order of bored, so I'm playing around on polyvore making style collages and I thought I would try my hand at maybe doing a little somethin', somethin'...

I've put in their comfort shoes, and their, what I call, 'no-nonsense-hunting-shoes'. Okay, so it's not a snappy title, but whatever. I remember Shannon and I talking (forever agoooo) about how at the beginning of the girls' journey, they'd probably have really distinct styles from their old lives, but as they spent more time with the boys, you would begin to see little changes, inspired by their life on the road. Like for example, Emmy would wear her leather jacket more or Lauren would buy a pair of sturdy boots instead of the flats she used to wear to church. They would both begin to wear more layers and jumpers as they realise how often they would spend sleeping in the back of the impala on cold nights when they were nowhere near a motel. That sort of thing. And of course, Lauren's rosaries are included. I completely forgot we were going to have her be quite a religious character until I found Shannon's background notes and research! If I had the dedication to keep writing, I would love to have an arc that perhaps deals with Lauren's strong faith in contrast to Dean's lack thereof (which would probably be dealt with in 'Houses of the Holy'). I really love exploring these characters and exploring my headcanons and I haven't done that in a very long time.

NOSTALGIC RAMBLINGS AHEAD: I find it really scary that this whole idea was created in like 2009 and now it's 2012 and so much has changed. I feel like this whole BIGLY AU universe represents something pretty nostalgic to me, and I've found myself really drawn to it again (and supernatural in general, except ew season 6 what even are you). I feel like these girls came to represent a friendship I cherished, but unfortunately dismissed, and when I read over fics and episodes we've written, it's like I've gone back in time and it's 2009 again and everything is lovely. Hmm, I don't know. I guess I'm saying I miss them and I miss writing and I miss this non-existent world and there are lots of other things I miss that I won't go into. I'LL PROBABLY END UP MAKING FANMIXES AND STUFF BECAUSE IT'S STILL BLOODY RAINING IN THE UK.

talk soon xoxox

Friday 19 August 2011

Quick Sketches

Made a few quick sketches of the girls based on my headcannon rather than the actresses. Quite enjoyed the results, so decided to share. Unfortunately, it's in my style to completely eyeliner everything to death so... take it as a darker version of the two?

I'm sure you guys can guess who is who :P

Wednesday 29 June 2011


I have an AU where Dean knows Seth and he visits him during the events of Dead in the Water. he meets Emmy, kinda falls for her but doesn't want to intrude on Seth, especially since the two are engaged. But as he spends more time with Seth, he sees the relationships is slowly falling to bits and he finds out about Candy and gets very pissed off. Plus, despite herself Emmy slowly falls for Dean little by little as he comforts her over Seth's actions.

This is the theme song of this AU;


This is basically because I want Lam to happen haha. In all honesty, this one just consists of Sam not sleeping with Meredith in Heart because he finally gets it into his thick skull that Lauren has been pining for him since they were in college together. Despite this, she seems to think they slept together and generally gets all pissed off and threatens to leave and go home but Sam stops her and Lam occurs yay.

Personally I like the first AU better, it's actually detailed and I even tried to vid it one time. (Failed, miserably but that's beside the point)

ps, I'm currently writing part of Shadow. Should be halfway through soonish. Also, will be restarting Nightmare since what I have so far is beyond terrible.

Monday 6 June 2011

Download BIGLY, you say?

Call this an experiment. Basically, I'm getting an ipod touch, which is capable of reading pdf files. So, naturally in preparation, I converted all my BIGLY files into pdfs so I can read them on the go. So, I want to see how easy it would be to download said files for others. This is also a little apology for a serious lack of posting on my part.

Faith: Download

I edited it quite a bit last night, changed a few lines/scenes, but if there's still stupid mistakes with spelling and the like, blame it entirely on my clumsy fingers.

In other news: Alexis has been confirmed to play Lauren Scott in Sleepaway Reunion Camp, and Zooey will be in a television show known as The New Girl this autumn on FOX.

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Companion Piece - No Rest for the Wicked

Greatly inspired by Junie's fic over on her blog. This is a so called companion piece only for the fact that it slots in nicely with what she's written :)
I'm super sorry for my long absences.
Song - Blinding ~ Florence + the Machine

It was there. In the exhalation of a breath. In the rustling of the sheets in the
dark. He should have been peaceful. He should have been savouring the moment.

Should be- always living up to an unspoken expectation.


He was dying. At least, he was on his way to Death’s door. Just a few more steps
and even fewer knocks and he would be gone.

we’re cutting it close, I know.

No second chance. No goodbye.

Hearts thumping in tandem. Beating out rhythms in the dark.

A stirring of warmth at his side. He slipped in and out of his misshapen dreams.
Dreams of blood and fear and teeth.


He wakes and she’s there. She’s always there. Always will be. Shame he won’t.

you’re not going to go to hell. i'm not going to let you.
He cracks his eyes and she’s staring. Green meets pitch black.
everything’s gonna be okay.


‘Everything’s gonna be okay,’ she says it, eyes staring, mouth twitching. He stiffens. He blinks.
She’s Emmy again and he’s still dying.

‘Yeah, we’ll find a way,’ he agrees, kissing her head.

He knows they won’t.