Monday 6 June 2011

Download BIGLY, you say?

Call this an experiment. Basically, I'm getting an ipod touch, which is capable of reading pdf files. So, naturally in preparation, I converted all my BIGLY files into pdfs so I can read them on the go. So, I want to see how easy it would be to download said files for others. This is also a little apology for a serious lack of posting on my part.

Faith: Download

I edited it quite a bit last night, changed a few lines/scenes, but if there's still stupid mistakes with spelling and the like, blame it entirely on my clumsy fingers.

In other news: Alexis has been confirmed to play Lauren Scott in Sleepaway Reunion Camp, and Zooey will be in a television show known as The New Girl this autumn on FOX.


  1. It worked! It worked!

    Now, if you'll excuse me I'll be spending the rest of the evening reading this. I'll comment later...

    Oh and I'm extra exited about the 'New Girl'.

  2. Oh My God! I loved this so much. You made me laugh and cry and wish I could write half as good as you can. Oh, all these feelings!
    I knew I was on to something when I stumbled on to that vid of yours. Genius, that's what it was. I believe in BIGLY and Demmy and Lam, that's what I believe in.
    Can't wait to read more of your stuff!
