Wednesday 29 June 2011


I have an AU where Dean knows Seth and he visits him during the events of Dead in the Water. he meets Emmy, kinda falls for her but doesn't want to intrude on Seth, especially since the two are engaged. But as he spends more time with Seth, he sees the relationships is slowly falling to bits and he finds out about Candy and gets very pissed off. Plus, despite herself Emmy slowly falls for Dean little by little as he comforts her over Seth's actions.

This is the theme song of this AU;


This is basically because I want Lam to happen haha. In all honesty, this one just consists of Sam not sleeping with Meredith in Heart because he finally gets it into his thick skull that Lauren has been pining for him since they were in college together. Despite this, she seems to think they slept together and generally gets all pissed off and threatens to leave and go home but Sam stops her and Lam occurs yay.

Personally I like the first AU better, it's actually detailed and I even tried to vid it one time. (Failed, miserably but that's beside the point)

ps, I'm currently writing part of Shadow. Should be halfway through soonish. Also, will be restarting Nightmare since what I have so far is beyond terrible.


  1. Oh these sound so interesting!

    I have a half a Lam story where Lauren almost dies because of her love for Sam, ends up in a hospital and Sam is forced to face his feelings for her...

  2. Don't mind me I'm just sobbing over the beauty of AUs.
