Dead In The Water
She had hoped that one day she would experience the exciting moments that she had read about. People cliff diving into the unknown sea below, people running away to countries just because they wanted to. She had always wanted to be those people. She just didn’t know it would be like this. She took a heavy breath and ran a hand through her hair. “Count me in.”

Sunday, 26 September 2010
Friday, 24 September 2010
In 15 minutes, season 6 will premiere.
The hellatus is over.
It's 1:45am and I am SO FREAKIN' EXCITED. I'm really hoping this eppy lives up to my expectations, if not I'll come away feeling a wee bit crap. So, to remind myself of why I love the brothers, and this show, I made a little sam&dean picspam.
Enjoy the season premiere, I hope it's what we all want it to be.
xo - Robyn
The hellatus is over.
It's 1:45am and I am SO FREAKIN' EXCITED. I'm really hoping this eppy lives up to my expectations, if not I'll come away feeling a wee bit crap. So, to remind myself of why I love the brothers, and this show, I made a little sam&dean picspam.
Enjoy the season premiere, I hope it's what we all want it to be.
xo - Robyn
Saturday, 18 September 2010
I'm just trying to get me brain into gear. I just spent my saturday trying to understand chemistry. Yummy. I haven't written in a while and I thought it might be good to write something off the top of my head just for the hell of it, this was the result. The first ever Wee!Lauren oneshot. Exciting, exciting.
Lauren held her books tightly within the safety of her hands, trembling fingers playing with the soft pages that told stories of knights, queens and monsters. She waited patiently, short legs swinging under the creaky bench that she had found herself sitting on 45 minutes ago, back when her father was meant to pick her up from the library. Now it was dark, and it was getting cold.
She hummed an unfamiliar tune she had heard on the radio in her Mother’s car that morning, the sound didn’t make it very far in the night’s air, a gust of wind blew it back in her face. When that failed, she began counting the number of lampposts lighting the street.
Mrs. Kowalski had already locked the place up, and made her way over to the car with one last glance over her shoulder towards her workplace, unaware of the young girl sat patiently on the bench, drenched in shadows.
Lauren sighed, her mother was going to kill her and would be sure to make it painful the longer she waited. With that thought, the growl of an old car inched toward the library. Lauren smiled, thankful for her Father’s usual motto of, “Better late than never”. The car stopped by the pavement, a door swinging open.
“I’m so sorry, Lauren. Why didn’t you tell Mrs. Kowalski to keep the place open for a while? Have you been waiting long? I got caught up at work. Did I tell you yesterday I graded a kid full marks in their paper? Pretty rare. Anyway, how was your day? Read anything good?”
Lauren climbed into the passenger seat, shutting the door with an unusual calm for a young girl left in the cold for 45 minutes. “It was okay. They got rid of the sofas. They have some new books coming in though. Mrs Kowalski said she’d tell me when they arrived. I’ve heard they’re very good.”
“You’re kidding! Hey, did I tell you there’s a kid in my class called Teddy Roosevelt? His parents must have had a good sense of humour, huh?”
Lauren smiled quietly and nodded, rubbing her hands furiously together to generate enough heat to prevent them from falling off. As much as she appreciated his ramblings about work in awkward situations, she was too busy trying to stop herself from falling asleep. After a moment of silence, her father drove out of the car park, and joined the now practically empty roads. They were icy, and normally those in St. Louis had the sense to stay indoors with a hot cup of cocoa. Unfortunately the Murrays had a young daughter with a vivacious love for books, and not enough in her own room to satisfy the need. This resulted in multiple visits to the library every week; rain, snow or sun. Occasionally, Paul Murray would have a slip in judgement and for a moment it would slip his mind- which was already full to the brim with equations and laws- that he had to pick her up.
“Let’s not tell your Mom you had to wait. You know how she worries. Did you do your homework earlier? It’s absolutely freezing. What’s your favourite animal that lives in cold climates?” He gave her one of his smiles, the one that seemed to make all situations better. She snuggled into her warm coat.
“The polar bear.” Lauren answered with clarity. “Homework was easy. Miss. Dunlop says if I worked hard enough I could get straight As. She says I could be a mathlete in high school.” Her Father nodded as she spoke, proud eyes occasionally glancing down towards her. “I thought that would be cool.”
“I used to be a mathlete—” He paused, “Get out of the way!”
Their car screeched to a halt, Lauren quickly adjusted her position to look out of the front window to see what had caused the delay. Someone, a man that Lauren guessed to be in his early twenties, had walked straight out in front of them. Paul blared his horn, gesturing for the man to move out of the way. “I could have killed him. Idiot! Get out of the way!” The young man, with a shrug towards the car, continued walking. “That was close.”
Lauren couldn’t respond. For the briefest of seconds, as her Father’s headlights caught the man’s eyes, she could have sworn they had flared yellow.
Wahay! Written in like 30 minutes, so I'm sorry if it sucks :(
Have a Paul and Lauren thingy!
xox - Robyn
Monday, 13 September 2010
Saturday, 11 September 2010
Family Ties Part II
Now that I'm able to understand the latest topic in biology, I can finish our study of the girls' families.
Alrighty then, so yesterday we took a look at my own personal view on the Murray family, and today (after again having to hunt down different actors to portray a couple of members) I finished the Roser family picspam.
First family member to approach the stand is Cliff Roser, father. Cliff Roser earned his position in his business through hard work and good intentions. He only ever wanted the best for his family. He's a pushover where his wife is concerned, and the calmer of the two parents.
Portrayed by: (In my head) Liam Neeson, (In the picture above) Mel Gibson.
"You need to figure out what you want in life. Not what your mother wants."
Emily Roser, the mother. As Emmy's self professed arch-nemesis in life, her mother never made a good impression with her youngest daughter. Emily is a climber of certain social ladders, clinging onto Cliff's wealth and social circle in the hopes she can overcome her lower class background.
Portrayed by: (In my head) Kelly Bishop, (In the picture above) Marcia Cross.
"You never do what I tell you to do. Why can't you be like Claire?"
Claire Roser, the older sister. Claire married young, and after the birth of her son, made the decision to follow in her mother's footsteps and become a housewife.
Portrayed by: Emily Deschanel
"Once you settle down, you'll understand."
Seth Ivle, the scumsucking rodent whore-...I mean the fiance. Seth Ivle was the perfect, rich, attractive man that women dream about. He's also one of those stereotypes that flirts with everything that has a pulse. Bad choice in a husband? Perhaps on this occasion.
Portrayed by: Greg Vaughan
"I'm sorry to remind you again, but I'm what you've got to count on."
Maggie James, old best friend. Rebeling against what their parents expected from them.
Portrayed by: Krysten Ritter
"Screw them. If we want to make stupid decisions that we'll regret when we're old and wrinkly, then that's our choice."
So there we are. The Murray and Roser families, not including a few characters that we'll meet waaaay later on, are complete. Hopefully this has made the characters seem a little more normal knowing they're just like you or I: problems, friends, hopes, dreams, careers.
xo - Robyn
Alrighty then, so yesterday we took a look at my own personal view on the Murray family, and today (after again having to hunt down different actors to portray a couple of members) I finished the Roser family picspam.
First family member to approach the stand is Cliff Roser, father. Cliff Roser earned his position in his business through hard work and good intentions. He only ever wanted the best for his family. He's a pushover where his wife is concerned, and the calmer of the two parents.
Portrayed by: (In my head) Liam Neeson, (In the picture above) Mel Gibson.
"You need to figure out what you want in life. Not what your mother wants."
Emily Roser, the mother. As Emmy's self professed arch-nemesis in life, her mother never made a good impression with her youngest daughter. Emily is a climber of certain social ladders, clinging onto Cliff's wealth and social circle in the hopes she can overcome her lower class background.
Portrayed by: (In my head) Kelly Bishop, (In the picture above) Marcia Cross.
"You never do what I tell you to do. Why can't you be like Claire?"
Claire Roser, the older sister. Claire married young, and after the birth of her son, made the decision to follow in her mother's footsteps and become a housewife.
Portrayed by: Emily Deschanel
"Once you settle down, you'll understand."
Seth Ivle, the scumsucking rodent whore-...I mean the fiance. Seth Ivle was the perfect, rich, attractive man that women dream about. He's also one of those stereotypes that flirts with everything that has a pulse. Bad choice in a husband? Perhaps on this occasion.
Portrayed by: Greg Vaughan
"I'm sorry to remind you again, but I'm what you've got to count on."
Maggie James, old best friend. Rebeling against what their parents expected from them.
Portrayed by: Krysten Ritter
"Screw them. If we want to make stupid decisions that we'll regret when we're old and wrinkly, then that's our choice."
So there we are. The Murray and Roser families, not including a few characters that we'll meet waaaay later on, are complete. Hopefully this has made the characters seem a little more normal knowing they're just like you or I: problems, friends, hopes, dreams, careers.
xo - Robyn
Friday, 10 September 2010
Family Ties.
My laptop is back safely in my arms (with a lovely lack of dead pixels) and so to celebrate I wanted to post something BIGLY related. I'm still working on dead in the water, and progress is being made, but I think doing graphics and stuff is a bit more relaxing after a week of school.
There will be two parts to this post, but the second part hasn't been completed yet (it took me like 4 hours to do this one), but alas it is finished!
So there I was, pondering of the Murray and Roser families, and I had an idea to sort of further delve into the lives of the girls before their journey of "self-discovery" (and whatnot). Is it nature or nurture that makes people the way they are? Are they born bookworms, or are they taught to read with a vivacious passion by someone close?
{So I was gonna do a picspam using all the original actors/actresses that we chose to play varying members of the girls' families, but do you know how difficult it is to find screencaps and the like for some people? Quite difficult, as a lot of them don't have official sites, or dedicated sites with organised screencaps, candids, posters etc. So the actors/actresses strongly differ the originals, but I think it kind of works!}
So first, I did my take on the Murray family:
First family member is Paul Murray, the father. In my own head, I imagine Paul as the patriarch, the main Dude who brings home the bacon (or whatever phrase you'd prefer for a man who puts food on the table for his loverly family). We decided he would be a college lecturer, hence giving Lauren her strive to succeed in education. Personally, I'd also see Mr. Murray as some form of maths/science nerd, his daughter's idol as she grew up.
Portrayed by: Tate Donovon
"Hold onto that brain of your's, Kiddo. It'll get you through the best and the worst."
Second is Kathy Murray, the mother. Kathy is unemployed, a homemaker if you will. She surrounded her two children in religion as they grew up, wanting them to always know that there was someone watching their every step. She made sure her daughter always gave 100% effort to everything she did.
Portrayed by: Kate Walsh
"Just don't go running off. Keeping track of your brother is hard enough."
Zach Murray, banterful brother. He was originally portrayed by Jason Behr, but I actually like this version better. Ian Somerhalder's usual characters are normally the complete opposite of what Lauren's would be (ah, if only she existed), so I think it's quite a cool little contrast. The rebel, the badass etc. At least that's what he's like in my head. As you probably know, in the episode skin, the original chick (Becky, we took her out of the loop and thus had a basis for Lauren's appearance) had a brother named Zach, this again was altered for Lauren's presence. Zach's girlfriend gets killed by the shapeshifter...cue a crisis!
Portrayed by: Ian Somerhalder.
"Being a goody-two shoes will get you nowhere, Sis. Live a little."
Jenny Foxton, the old best friend. Just one more person that Lauren left behind.
Portrayed by: Sara Paxton
"If you ever go flying off the rails without me..."
So yes! Took forever to find new actors for Kathy and Zach but voila!
My ideas of the family are probably completely different to shannon's, but hey that's what co-writing is all about!
xo - Robyn
There will be two parts to this post, but the second part hasn't been completed yet (it took me like 4 hours to do this one), but alas it is finished!
So there I was, pondering of the Murray and Roser families, and I had an idea to sort of further delve into the lives of the girls before their journey of "self-discovery" (and whatnot). Is it nature or nurture that makes people the way they are? Are they born bookworms, or are they taught to read with a vivacious passion by someone close?
{So I was gonna do a picspam using all the original actors/actresses that we chose to play varying members of the girls' families, but do you know how difficult it is to find screencaps and the like for some people? Quite difficult, as a lot of them don't have official sites, or dedicated sites with organised screencaps, candids, posters etc. So the actors/actresses strongly differ the originals, but I think it kind of works!}
So first, I did my take on the Murray family:
First family member is Paul Murray, the father. In my own head, I imagine Paul as the patriarch, the main Dude who brings home the bacon (or whatever phrase you'd prefer for a man who puts food on the table for his loverly family). We decided he would be a college lecturer, hence giving Lauren her strive to succeed in education. Personally, I'd also see Mr. Murray as some form of maths/science nerd, his daughter's idol as she grew up.
Portrayed by: Tate Donovon
"Hold onto that brain of your's, Kiddo. It'll get you through the best and the worst."
Second is Kathy Murray, the mother. Kathy is unemployed, a homemaker if you will. She surrounded her two children in religion as they grew up, wanting them to always know that there was someone watching their every step. She made sure her daughter always gave 100% effort to everything she did.
Portrayed by: Kate Walsh
"Just don't go running off. Keeping track of your brother is hard enough."
Zach Murray, banterful brother. He was originally portrayed by Jason Behr, but I actually like this version better. Ian Somerhalder's usual characters are normally the complete opposite of what Lauren's would be (ah, if only she existed), so I think it's quite a cool little contrast. The rebel, the badass etc. At least that's what he's like in my head. As you probably know, in the episode skin, the original chick (Becky, we took her out of the loop and thus had a basis for Lauren's appearance) had a brother named Zach, this again was altered for Lauren's presence. Zach's girlfriend gets killed by the shapeshifter...cue a crisis!
Portrayed by: Ian Somerhalder.
"Being a goody-two shoes will get you nowhere, Sis. Live a little."
Jenny Foxton, the old best friend. Just one more person that Lauren left behind.
Portrayed by: Sara Paxton
"If you ever go flying off the rails without me..."
So yes! Took forever to find new actors for Kathy and Zach but voila!
My ideas of the family are probably completely different to shannon's, but hey that's what co-writing is all about!
xo - Robyn
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
My laptop has a big line of dead pixels and is thankfully in warranty, so the computer nerds of Northern Ireland will be thieving my laptop and fixing it, meaning very little (to no) access to the internet for God knows how long starting on Friday. BLURGH!
Slight delay therefore on the continuation of any BIGLY chapters I've been writing at the moment. Apologies my friendlings!
Have this as a peace offering?
Got exam results back! Very happy.
Oh, and dear Junie who I expect will read this at some point. How did the move to Helsinki go?
Hopefully they won't thieve it for too long, and get I can get back up and running!
Also totally on a biffy clyro rampage after a concert with two of my best friends. Have a listen to these scottish beauties:
"Living Is A Problem Because Everything Dies"
"Many Of Horror"
Slight delay therefore on the continuation of any BIGLY chapters I've been writing at the moment. Apologies my friendlings!
Have this as a peace offering?
Got exam results back! Very happy.
Oh, and dear Junie who I expect will read this at some point. How did the move to Helsinki go?
Hopefully they won't thieve it for too long, and get I can get back up and running!
Also totally on a biffy clyro rampage after a concert with two of my best friends. Have a listen to these scottish beauties:
"Living Is A Problem Because Everything Dies"
"Many Of Horror"
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